
Saturday, January 26, 2019

A Basic Necessity for Success - Part 2

Capture and share knowledge before staff depart
Knowledge Continuity Cycle - Continuity Protocol Section

We have all been in a situation where our predecessor left no information about the job they had done.  In this circumstance, the new person must spend a lot of time solving the mystery of  how to successfully perform the required job tasks.  They must look for clues in the paper and network file drives.  They must interview other staff who have minimal availability since they are busy doing their job. New staff may try to perform a task, fail, and learn from it.  You can see that in this scenario, time is spent looking for information, having conversations with other staff who do not know the exact details of the job, and trial & error.  This is mostly wasted time that did not have to be spent in this way.  Much of this time could be saved by having a standard  Continuity Protocol followed. 

Don't let knowledge walk out the door!  
The Continuity Protocol involves taking intentional steps to capture and share knowledge before the person departs.  All staff should be documenting and sharing information about how they perform their job tasks just as a matter of doing their job. A Continuity Artifact is routinely updated to become a reflection of the critical knowledge necessary for the job.   This artifact is completed and perfected at the Knowledge Continuity Team Meeting. Before they leave, departing persons must participate in a Knowledge Continuity Team (KCT) meeting. A KCT meeting is a facilitated meeting with the departing person and several members of their team.  At the KCT meeting, essential knowledge-based questions are discussed, answers recorded, and further explored through Q&A.  At this session, knowledge is transferred to the other persons who will be remaining on the job after the departing person leaves.     Additionally, the departing person's knowledge processes are examined, transferred, and renewed for continued use. After the attending their KCT, departing staff have expressed that the KCT meeting gave them a sense of completion and satisfaction that the "baton was passed"  before they left the job. This process documents  their legacy! Each staff member must be aware of and comply with this responsibility.  This process builds a knowledge base containing tailored information about how to successfully perform the job tasks - the perfect resource for the successor of the departed person!  A Continuity Protocol is basic necessity for success.

In Part 3 - Invest in Your Staff

Monday, January 21, 2019

A Basic Necessity for Success - Part 1

Managing organizational knowledge is a basic necessity for success.  You may get hung up on what "Knowledge" means, but you will be bypassing the point.  In any endeavor, knowledge is continuously evidenced in ideas, ingenuity, problem solving, email explanations, standard operating procedures, planning activities, white papers, brainstorming, collaboration, and conversations.  Knowledge is used in  all efforts, assertions, tasks, actions, inactions, detours, creation, and dismantling taken to achieve goals.  Knowledge is the organization's most valuable resource.

We use our knowledge so much that we do not even realize it.  That means that we are not thinking of how we could be using it better.  Bill Kaplan of Working Knowledge says that "Knowledge Management is a process of continuous renewal".   This renewal mindset welcomes a culture of innovation, unexpected benefits, and trust.  Organizations need to be embracing continuous renewal to manage their knowledge transfer.  This series details a knowledge transfer framework for organization success.

Provide knowledge to new staff
Whenever someone starts working at a job the first thing they need to do is figure out how to be successful. They need to know how things are done, the rules imposed by the organization, and the expectations of the job.  The quicker they figure these things out, the better it will be for the new person, their department, and the organization as a whole.

This is why the organization must invest in the resources to provide new staff with critical information on how to perform the job they were hired for.  Often "New Hire" notebooks are given to new staff, or even better, an intranet site tailored to new staff.  In addition to an up-to-date resource about the organization and job, organizations must set aside staff time for coaching, explanations, and conversation. Each onboarding session is an opportunity for reviewing and improving the processes being explained.  Providing knowledge to new staff members renews the knowledge because new staff will now be using it, referring to it, improving it, and taking it to the next level.  Having a comprehensive Onboarding program to orient new staff is a basic necessity for success.

In Part 2,  Don't let knowledge walk out the door!

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Is KMCDC a Great Community?

Knowledge Management is my passion!  How gratifying it is to facilitate a knowledge management community!  The Knowledge Management Community of DC has been meeting every month for more than five years (since June, 2013.  Through this effort, I have become acquainted with stellar knowledge management thought leaders, expanded my network to include international KM leaders,  participated in outstanding events like "Knowledge on a Mission" and the "DGI930 Knowledge Management conference", all while adding community management to my experience. 

Looking at Stan Garfield's article on "What Makes a Great Community?", let's take a measure of the KMCDC as a great community.  According to Stan, great communities have:
  • A Compelling Topic
  • A Critical Mass of Members
  • A Committed Leader
  • Regular Events
  • Active Online Discussions

How does the KMCDC do?

A Compelling Topic - YES
The practice and proliferation of Knowledge Management compels many of us to meet regularly and host interesting speakers.  The group was started in 2013 with a call-out to KM-ers who wanted to "lead Knowledge Management" in the DC region.  Many of the original leaders are still active in the community and remain true to this challenge.

A Critical Mass of Members - YES
The KMCDC has 523 members on the site.  Our data stats show that there has been an weekly average of 39 active members in the group.  Active members are the number of group members who have visited your Meetup group’s page within the last 30 days. 

A Committed Leader - YES 
The KMCDC group has a team of very committed leaders who share the meeting planning, documentation, and social media publication responsibilities.  Our leaders are committed to funding the Meetup site, facilitating the in-person meetings, managing the group content kept in the KMCDC Drop Box, and purchasing and distributing group items like pens and business cards and banners. 

Regular events - YES
The KMCDC has held 63 events since the group's inception in 2013.  Most events have been monthly at the end of the month.  We have also partnered with external groups to enact variety and elevate levels of discussion:  Enterprise Knowledge, The Knowledge Management Institute, Digital Government Institute, and the World Bank/International Finance Corporation.  We have just expanded into hosting evening events with Enterprise Knowledge.  See the KMCDC 2018 Year in Review.

Active Online Discussions - NO 
This is the one factor where the KMCDC could use some improvement.  Although there is a KMCDC Meetup group and a KMCDC Twitter page, we do not have many online discussions of topics that are discussed at the in-person meetings.

Based on this, the KMCDC is a great community!

Do you agree?  How can we do better? Want to get involved?

Please comment on this!

Thanks for reading my blog!!